Monday, January 9, 2012

WIP: A New Painting

image: reubenvision

Here is a WIP or "Work In Progress" of a painting I started late last night. Well actually I started it way early this morning. It seems, normal sleeping patterns have decided to abandon me. I was more awake in the middle of the night then I was yesterday afternoon. If this sort of productivity comes out of such things, then perhaps I should not complain. You may notice that I am actually doing the portrait over top of another painting I did as a response to music. I am not quite sure what I will do with the abstract background in the end, but I will be sure to upload a photo of the finished product. 


Sydney said...

i adore this painting! wonderful overlapping xx

Bella Sinclair said...

Wow, gorgeous painting! You could stop here and it would be fantastic.

Love your sketches too. Great works!